At the heart of criminal networks, where power, murder and power reign, lie captives.
Dangerous cunning and deadly, they represent the shadows of the biggest networks, acting as emissaries for their leaders, also known as “possessors”.
Since she was a teenager, Ella has been captive against her will, submissive to John, her possessor, who prefers to exploit her body rather than her talents, plunging her life into a waking nightmare. One day, everything changes when he tells her she’s going to work for someone else.
If Ella thought John was the worst, she soon realizes that her owner, a certain “Ash”, charismatic leader of the Scott network, belongs in an entirely different category. Ash categorically refuses to have a captive by his side, harboring a visceral hatred of these women for some obscure reason. A dangerous game ensues between them, as Asher intends to make Ella pay, but she has no intention of submitting.
My opinion:
That’s a big yes for this book!
There were a lot of reviews for this book. A lot of people didn’t like it and found the “dark” side too “dark”. But I don’t think so.
Of course, this book is for an informed public and is not suitable before the age of 16/18, but for someone of that age, who is aware that they are reading dark romance, I don’t see the problem.
The fact that, at first, Asher is totally against having a captive is a little confusing, given that he’s had them before.
So Ella and Asher play a game of who’s going to crack first. Asher puts Ella through hell, but despite everything, she stands up to him and keeps on fighting.
We soon realize that Asher is beginning to feel an attraction for Ella. Despite this, he protects her and will do anything to keep her safe.
Ben’s character adds a touch of humor in stressful and difficult situations, and his interventions are hilarious!
However, I wasn’t expecting this ending… the fact that Asher sends Ella away from him without any explanation, without even announcing it himself. I was pissed off at him! But most of all, I couldn’t wait to read the rest to see if their feelings would develop.
In summary:
For me, this is an exceptional book! Sarah Rivens has done a wonderful job of immersing us fully in the Scott universe.
If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to do so (if you’re old enough and know what you’re getting into)!
And if you have already read it, don’t hesitate to tell me what you think!
NOTE: 10/10
“So he made a promise to himself that no one would have her. Not even him… At least, not for now.”